Hive Education Trust Sixth Form Students Working

Curriculum Support

Our Hive team includes curriculum specialists for Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form.  

We recognise there is no one-size-fits-all. While we have many curriculum resources available to offer, we’ll also be guided by your specific needs.

Our Hive team are ready to support new partners in developing the most appropriate and effective curriculum for each individual school. 


We pride ourselves on an academically ambitious and knowledge-based wider curriculum that supports our view of pupils as global citizens engaged across many disciplines.

Our wider curriculum content is designed to be coherent, cumulative and ambitious resulting in a scholarship of each subject and a rich learning experience that will ready each pupil for their secondary education. 


Our secondary curriculum is designed to ensure that every child is successful in their studies and has the opportunity to learn knowledge and skills from a broad range of subjects.

We balance a keen focus on examination success with a desire to engender a love of learning. Achievement and progress in class, homework, assessments and examinations are used to inform setting arrangements, which are reviewed on a termly basis.

Parents and carers are kept involved and receive regular reports: at least termly, and more frequently in Year 11.


Our Sixth Form curriculum offers a full range of 23 A-Levels. It's complemented by a wide range of activities to enhance students’ life experience. Cultural trips and visits, opportunities for volunteering in the community, Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme, careers activities, work placements and internships are just a few examples. 

“From the primary to the sixth form, there is a broad and interesting curriculum. It meets and often exceeds what is expected nationally.


In each subject, leaders have thought carefully about what should be learned and when. This helps pupils to secure a depth of knowledge in different subjects and ensures they are well prepared for the more complex ideas they learn next.”


– Ofsted 2023